John Muir Award

Who was John Muir?

John Muir was born in 1838 in Scotland. He developed a deep love of the natural world and was pioneer in ecology. He became known as the “founding father” of the of the world conservation movement.

“...up among the clouds, on mountain-tops, or in balloons, or even to creep like worms into dark holes and caverns underground, not only to learn something of what is going on in those out-of-the-way places, but to see better what the sun sees on our return to common everyday beauty.” John Muir

What is the John Muir Award?

Flexible and fun, the John Muir Award allows schools to create their own outdoor learning programme and link this to a recognised award that combines enjoyment and adventure with learning about the environment and how to care for it.

The John Muir Award encourages you to enjoy the outdoors, to get to know more about nature and wild places, and to do something to look after these places. To gain a John Muir Award you need to meet 4 challenges.

Discover wild places – on your doorstep and further afield.

Conserve wild places—do something practical to look after wild places.

Explore wild places—tune into and travel through them

Share wild places—share experiences, feelings and thoughts wild places bring.

DISCOVERY AWARD 4 Days - Year 7/8 (all students - school time)

Rainforest day

Retreat “Our wonderful world”

Two day overnight visit to the Lake District National Park

Outdoor activities

Conservation activities

EXPLORER AWARD  8 Days - Year 9 (optional - extra-curricular)

Training on fell walking, navigation and camping skills

Fell walking

Outdoor activities (caving and ghyll scrambling)

Camping trip and Scafell Pike expedition

Conservation work