Leadership Team
Headteacher – Mrs S Beestone
Assistant Headteacher - Mr A Coulston (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Assistant Headteacher - Miss G Brown (SENCO/ Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Business Manager – Mrs J Coulston
Admin Team
Head's PA - Mrs J Crompton
Dr A Tilley, Mrs C Coward
Careers and Enrichment Assistant - Mrs M Bailey
Catering Team
Catering Provision Manager - Mrs D Turner Kitchen Manager - Mrs M Rowlandson
Mrs A Bingley, Mrs H Barlow, Mrs A Thompson, Mrs L Foster
Cover Supervisors
Mr M Bacon, Miss N Melling
Exams Officer/ Science Technician - Mrs E Vickers
Finance Officer - Miss P Shwalbe
Librarian - Mrs C Unsworth
Pastoral Team
Attainment Leader Y7 and Transition – Mrs A Krepa
Attainment Leader Y8 and Y9 – Mrs E Barr
Attainment Leader Y10 and Y11 – Ms A Anderson
For details of faculty leaders and subject teachers see the curriculum section.